For the love of music !
- Live In Odda 30 Mai !
Happy New Year ✨
- Live at The Whiskey A Go Go In Los Angeles 19`of June 2025 !
- Thanks to everyone who came to our last gig at Påfyll, Awesome ! Thanks for your support. Looking forward to our next gig somewhere sometime In 2025
- More reviews In the Reviews section !
- Also great review on the song All My Greetings :
The entire instrumental is a masterpiece, with unexpected twists and turns that never let up on the momentum. I am feeling the momentum and enjoying the mood. The vocals are also enjoyable. Good luck with whatever comes next.
“Dream Police”
“A true blend of metal, rock and pop. Great instrumentation that builds throughout and show's you mean business. Raspy lead vocal sung with passion, giving texture and tone. “
Breaking Sound Radio
- Actually I dont know anything about Blogg & how Its written and done, but I do It anyway so you can just call It tHrashBlogg & enjoy ! It will be a 10 peace blogg released randomly throughout 2024/25.
- Releasing a New EP/Singel Bay Area Tapes this summer, a couple of songs been lying around not released properly before. Hope you enjoy & play them really loud !!!
Some more updates for you at the end of summer so stay tuned. Wish you a awesome summer ! 🤘
Best Regards